Using a website to make money online has become one of the most popular ways nowadays. There are several ways you can make money with website:
a) Sell your own products and services.
b) Sell other people’s stuff (affiliate program).
c) Place Google ads on your website and earn whenever someone clicks a Google ad.
The first and second ways take a lot of time and require experience and knowledge of Internet marketing. The third option is much easier and quicker to make money online. To place Google ads on your website you need to first join Google AdSense program. You don’t need a professional look or fantastic site to sign up with Google AdSense program. A clean and simple site will be good enough.
The content of your website can be any topic as long as it does not violate Google policies. You can read more about Google policies at You can write a topic or subject that is related to your experience, area of expertise, interest or background. If you are an expert at something you can make your content valuable and useful to others by providing advice and educational resources. If your interest and hobby are sport cars, you may introduce the latest models of sport cars and discuss some of the best tools for building the sports cars.
If you have no idea of what topic to write or have no interest at all in writing something, you still can own a money making AdSense site. Your solution is create a website solely to publish articles written by different authors. Just choose one topic or more and put several relevant articles for each topic and place your Google ads on each article page.